Christopher T Roberts -ART

Hello Art Lovers,

Welcome to my website. Please visit my Gallery where you will find a selection of my latest works. These are mainly of animals and children as well as nature. There is a selection of works from a few years back, mainly beachscapes, trees and some more animals. And there is also a collection of my early work from when I was studying in Cardiff, including my degree show. Some of those paintings have adult context, I was a mixed up and rather wild young man. My newest work hopefully demonstrates the same energy but with a new found peace of mind.

Anyway, take a look and contact me if you want more information. I am on Face Book and Instagram, my E-mail is and my contact number is 07960587628.

Many of my works that haven’t already been sold are for sale. I am always happy to arrange for visitors to see my work in the “flesh”, or to be approached by galleries for shows.

· Thank you for looking and I hope you enjoy my work ·

Love Christopher